Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

33 weeks pregnant!

Here we are on Thursday... 33 weeks pregnant and feeling great! Don't get too worried... we just took it down the street and back. Our next doctors appointment is on Tuesday but things are going really well. I know that July is going to go by quickly... "Summer" will be before we know it.

Friday, June 22, 2012

One & a 1/2

June 8th Samara hit the 18 month mark. She certainly is less baby and more toddler with each day that goes by. I know this will change even more when Summer is born and she becomes a big sister!
At the moment she is happy trying to be like her big sister. She likes to wear Angeline's shoes and tries to put on her clothes. If Angeline is getting her hair done or her nails painted Samara is next in line... at least until she realizes that it actually requires her to sit still for a moment. I love to watch the special bond she shares with her brother and sister. She calls for them when she wakes up in the morning and tags along with them throughout the day. She especially likes playing "mommy" and can often be found with a doll in her arms.
As for vocabulary she definitely gets the point across when she wants or needs something but she is not using many words yet. She can say mom, dad, david, cracker, nana, more, no, ya, go... but can usually get what she wants by just pointing and saying "EIHN!"... Angeline talked sooner and David later so it seems that she is right in the middle.
She's becoming a bit of a fussy eater but she does drink really well out of a cup and I am happy not to be washing sippy cups all the time. She goes CRAZY for peanut butter so I can always give her that in a pinch.
She likes to sing and be sung to. She LOVES to have a bath. She really likes it when you play tickle rhymes with her like "Round and round the garden" and "this little piggy went to the market."
I would have updated this milestone earlier but I was hoping to include some recent pictures. She had a nasty bruise on her forehead which has delayed a photo shoot of any sort. Will post a separate entry of 18 month pictures soon!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

32 Weeks

 I am 32 weeks pregnant today... which means we have about 6 or 7 weeks to go. I have realized more this week that soon I won't be feeling Summer's kicks in my belly... I will be holding her in my arms! She is nearly ready to be born, weighing almost 4 pounds and measuring almost 19 inches tall!
It has been a nice summer to be pregnant in... not too hot so far so I haven't had to worry about swollen ankles, although I'm sure I will face some of that in the next 6 weeks. I have hardly had any heartburn lately so I guess Summer is nestled into a comfortable spot for both me and her. My hips are getting a bit sore in the evenings but I have been going for regular massage appointments so that has been helping a lot. So far it isn't my most uncomfortable pregnancy... at least at this stage.
Still lots to do to get ready which will keep the weeks going by fast. Today I am attempting to tackle my overgrown garden before the rain starts again. Also trying to come up with a design for Summer's Birth Announcements... I think I have settled on a colour at least. We will be setting up the Toddler Bed soon to transition Samara and I would like to finish the girls Christmas Stockings before Summer is born but that might be a long shot. Once July hits I will start bringing out the baby clothes to organize Summer's dresser... and pack our hospital bag.
Needless to say we are all very excited... my next doctors appointment is July 3rd so I will likely try to post again after then.

Monday, June 18, 2012

David's 6th Birthday Party...

 David wanted an "Angry Birds" party this year. Grammy Traced out the decorations for me to paint and I was happy how they turned out.

 I also made the goodie bags and the kids all made their own angry bird craft (wish I would have taken a group picture... I always forget!)... here is David with his Angry Bird.

 From 5 years old to 6 has seemed like quite a jump! We are loving our little man and finding it hard to believe that our oldest is turning 6! 
 Thank you for everyone who was able to celebrate with us. Thank you for the thoughtful cards and fun gifts. David had a wonderful day and we hope you did too! Thank you everyone who helped and especially Grammy and Grandpa who had the party cleaned up before it was even over... we really appreciated not having to worry about the mess.
David and Tyler were dressed for the theme!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Just wanted to update with a link to the new 2012-2013 Stampin Up Catalogue. This Catalogue runs from June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013. It is the only Catalogue that an order can be placed with at the moment. There will be 2 Seasonal Catalogues coming out this year (not the usual 4). The first one is available in August. 

I can take your orders from this Catalogue during the month of June and will likely be placing an order at the end of this week. However I may not be continuing as a Demonstrator come July.