Friday, December 19, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Joshua 5 weeks

I also just wanted to take a few minutes to share some updated pictures of Joshua. He is now in his 5th week!

Samara is 4!

Our lovely Princess Samara is now 4 years old. Here are a few pictures of her celebrating with friends. She had a fun time at her Frozen themed party. She is looking forward to her "Blossoming Ballerinas" class in January and can often be found tip toeing around the house. She was really excited for her Birthday this year and is still referring to herself as "the Birthday Girl." Apparently she will remain the birthday girl until all her presents are opened (one more get together with family still to come).

We love our Sweet Samara... Happy Birthday "Birthday Girl!"

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Letter 2014

December 1, 2014
Merry Christmas and Happy (soon to be) New Year 2015!

     For us this year began with plans for a new addition to our family and much of the year was spend focused on this goal. We were very happy to welcome Joshua on November 6th. For the first time we feel as though our family is complete as we marvel at our new born baby boy. David couldn't be happier to have a brother and the same goes for the girls.

     Rebekah (our baby girl) turned 2 in August and with that came the realization that our last baby girl is growing up. She now attends Sunday School and does just about everything else her sisters do too. We love her sentences... she says anything she wants to say. She is loving, funny, competitive and helpful. She will often help David with his chore of unloading the dishwasher.

     Samara is about to turn 4 and is eager to do all things big girls do. I am thankful she is only one school grade behind Angeline because she likes to keep up with her big sister. It seems I am always having to tell her she she has to wait until she is in kindergarten. She can write her name and several other words but mostly just likes putting random letters together and asking “what does this say”? We are looking forward to celebrating her December Birthday with a Disney Frozen theme.

     Angeline started kindergarten in September at 5 1/2 years old. I was wondering how I would handle homeschooling 2 but it has been going really well. She is eager and works efficiently and quickly... just have to remind her to slow down and work on her tidiness! She attends class on Tuesdays and has the following activities planned for the new year... ballet, swimming lessons, and soccer. She loves to help around the house and is our official egg cracker. She is also a big help with her sisters and baby Joshua.

      David is almost 8 1/2 and is continuing to thrive at home in Grade 3. He loves to read chapter books and his favourite subject is math. He recently finished the Geronimo Stilton Fantasy series (6 chapter books) and has read every Captain Underpants book he can get his hands on. He is planning to start Karate Class in the New Year and is also looking forward to swimming lessons and soccer in the Spring. He is also starting his first job (a paper route) to earn some spending money and save up for his next motor cycle.

     Jonathan has been enjoying playing floor hockey on Tuesday nights and is looking forward to another Spring Season of Soccer. He recently took 3 weeks off work to help out at home when baby Joshua arrived. We are going to miss having him home full time since he has to go back to work tomorrow.

     I am doing well and am very happy to have Joshua in my arms and no longer in my womb! I am looking forward to getting back in shape as I shed these baby pounds for the final time. We recently celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary and look forward to celebrating our 10th in a special way next year. Lots to look forward to in 2015!

           the Neufelds

PS- Here are our new photo's taken on November 27th by Charlie Vowels. These are the runners up... saving our favourites for Christmas pictures... Enjoy!