Friday, August 24, 2012

3 weeks old

Yesterday marked Rebekah's 3 week birthday. I can't believe how much she has changed in one week. She is still a tiny baby... tried fitting her in size 1-2 diapers when we used up the last newborn one but they are still huge. She is still wearing newborn size clothes. Though she hasn't changed much in size her face is changing and she has more awake time and more expressions. She also likes to hold hands now, happy to grab a finger when it is offered. We do get some noise out of her but I am looking forward to when she starts to coo more. Mostly I just try to cherish every moment of this very short "new born" stage.


Linda said...

She is so adorable and she looks much older than she is!

theBreedvelds said...

She is a really beautiful baby. Can't wait to actually see her for real again!