Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Day 12 Honolulu Zoo

We visited the Honolulu Zoo today. I'm so glad we did! It's been ages since we have been to a zoo and a lot of the kids don't remember going to the Abbotsford Zoo. Seeing the elephants give themselves a dust bath was a highlight. We also just happened to view the cheetah sit up and stretch his neck and look around... very regal! Once he lay back down again he was out of sight. The giraffes were majestic... the lemurs were adorable, all snuggled up in a bunch. The birds were beautiful. We also saw an Axolotl (which I thought was a fantasy animal, so I was quite shocked they were real). It was pink and just as adorable as the stuffies! I highly recommend visiting Honolulu Zoo if you are ever here on vacation. 

Only 2 more sleeps until we leave for Vancouver. Sleep number 3 will be on a midnight flight (hopefully sleeping).

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