Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rebekah is 6 months old


Today we are celebrating Rebekah's 1/2 Year Birthday. Took these photo's of her today, sitting on her own. She is getting stronger everyday so we have noticed a huge improvement on her ability to sit (though we still don't leave her sitting without something soft to fall down on). She sits in her highchair for mealtimes though she doesn't eat much yet. We have started introducing rice cereal to her but she is not very interested. I am constantly moving clothes from her dresser to the "too small" box so I know she is growing. She has a check up on Monday so we will see how much she measures then. She is wearing 6 month and 9 months clothes.
She has also been on the move. I think we may have an army crawler on our hands. She can be quite quick and can ever pull herself forward when she wants something.
She is teething but no white pearlie's yet.
Time is going by too quickly with our Baby Girl... we treasure every stage. Love you Rebekah!