Sunday, February 18, 2007

Saturday at the Park

Saturday we went to the park at the school at the end of our street. There is no baby swing but David had his first swing on mom's lap. He didn't really play much on the playground because it was a bit wet but he did pose for these nice pictures. Nearing 8 months old each day holds something new and he is always up for the adventure.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys
love the pictures of the park and his new hat. What a sweetheart. Almost 8 months, unbelievable, where has the time gone? Enjoy the moments you share with him and we thank you for sharing him with us. You are all so very special.

Lauren Laidler said...

great new pics melissa! he's sooo adorable and getting so big! he's just so lovely! xoxoxo

Rachel said...

great pics! looks like a lot of fun was had at the park! good stuff. we had a great time on sudnay, so thanks for getting us to look after him. i love babies :D talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

haha he really loves his hat!
