Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Baby is 16 months old...

Rebekah is 16 months old today! I was adding a few things to the envelope at the back of her baby book today so we all had a look through it. A picture of the kids at Christmas last year came up and Jonathan made the comment that "it seems like just yesterday." Yesterday they were all in their 2013 Christmas outfits, a good indicator that another year has gone by indeed. Here are a few pictures of her in her Christmas dress, taken yesterday.
Rebekah is doing well. Her newest cute moment (there are many) was this morning. "Ta Da!" was her excited announcement. She really loves music... dancing, singing and clapping. She is Mama's girl in more ways then one. She looks like me (except I have dark hair and eyes) and she also likes to make sure I am close by. We are hoping to transition her to her Sunday School class in the new year and maybe even get a babysitter now and again! She is lots of fun. We love her so much!

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