Monday, November 30, 2020

Covid Christmas

Oh Covid 19! Regardless of how we feel about it, life has changed and Christmas is going to be different this year. We might fear it, loath it, or deny it but whatever our feelings are on the matter this virus is just not convenient.

As our province began shutting down this month I started to get anxious. Feelings and memories of my experience during the spring lock down began to overwhelm me. Frustration took over. That was my first response “oh no, here we go again.” I was thinking about Christmas and worrying over the very real possibility that for the first time ever Christmas would consist solely of me, my other half and our six children. Don't get me wrong... these are some of my favourite people but Christmas has always meant visiting extended family, cherished friends and celebrating with others who know the true meaning of Emmanuel.

As I reflected on what we wouldn't be able to do and how much it wouldn't be the same this year, the Christmas story started to scroll through my thoughts and I began to realize there are some similarities to the inconveniences of Covid Christmas that parallel with the very first Christmas.

Though Mary recognized the honour of being chosen to be the mother of God's son it wasn't easy for her. Unwed teen pregnancy and having to travel long distances for a census while 9 months pregnant would have definitely had its challenges. Not having a clean place to deliver the Messiah and being far from the comforts of home was certainly less than ideal. The challenges didn't stop after Jesus was born.

Perspective and thankfulness can both go a long way at helping us remember how blessed we are even when circumstances are challenging. I have good days where I can wrap my mind around this and bad days where I shed a few tears as I am waiting in a lineup. What comes to my mind when a friend shares similar struggles is “you are not alone” but it just feels wrong to say that because the reality is we are all alone, or are we?

This Christmas whether we end up being able to celebrate with family and friends or not let's remember to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, Emmanuel... “God with us.” We are never alone.

(This was a reflection I wrote for our Homeschool Paper, the AVEC Gazette, November issue)

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