Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Double Digits!

Samara turned 10! When I was pregnant with Samara we were wondering if she was going to be our last baby. We originally planned for 4 and Samara is number 4 but we hadn't factored in saying goodbye to our second born. So, while she is our 4th baby she would grow up as our 3rd. We also considered that she might be our last biological child, factoring in that our heart towards adoption was growing and before she was born we attended an adoption seminar. All this is being recounted to explain what I felt when she arrived. She was our fasted named child... moments after someone declared "It's a GIRL!" I announced... "her name is Samara Anne Marie Neufeld"... and Jonathan was not going to argue with me. I think the next thing I said was "I want 2 more." My heart just grew as I held my new baby girl.

Samara makes being a Mom easy. She is even tempered, helpful, studious, loves to read and in general is just easy to get along with. She also enjoys a lot of the same things I enjoy including Overcooked, board games, cooking and trail walks. This girl is beautiful on the inside! She is faithful and loving.
This year she hit double digits which is a little mind boggling even though I have had practice with this milestone already with David and Angeline. I really wanted her birthday to be special since we couldn't have people over for a celebration in light of the current pandemic restrictions. We set our table with china and had a special tea. It was a nice way to celebrate her special day (even though my french macaroons didn't turn out). Thank you to everyone who made her day special by sending cards, gifts, flowers, pictures and video's to let her know you were thinking about her.

To end her special day with a bang she wanted to play Lords of Waterdeep and she won! 

Love you Samara! You will forever make me want 2 more.
Keep being you, you are awesome!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Samara you are all of those things and so much more. Keep being you. You are terrific!

Love Nana