Time is a strange thing. When we feel different emotions it seems to either pass by more slowly or more quickly... usually the opposite of what we would like. When we first learned that our baby boy was very sick and that he isn't expected to live, time almost stopped and I wondered countless times how I can manage the next four months of my pregnancy (should I carry to term).
Almost 3 weeks have passed and I am beginning to realize that time is a good thing. We have had time to learn more about Trisomy 13.
Time to accept that we may not have much time with our little boy.
Time to come to terms with things as a family.
Time is helping us to prepare.
But mostly I am thankful for time because it is helping me learn how to love. When we first found out that baby was very sick I couldn't help but try to distance myself and prepare for the worst. More and more as I am processing everything... recovering from the shock... and beginning to heal... I am learning to love.
I am thankful for each day that I have left in my pregnancy and I will love him through every moment we have in this special bond we share. I am thankful for any and every moment God gives us with our son before He takes him home and I will love him every minute, every hour and every day that we have with him for however long we are given. And when the time comes for him to go to heaven I will love him every moment of the rest of my life.