Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all Dads but in particular to my Dad who has always shown me unconditional love, to my father-in-law and step dad who have taken me on as their own and to all our Grandpa's, Great Grandpa and Uncles.
Here is David with his Dad on Tuesday at our last Canuck Place meeting until the fall. The kids released butterflies... and David is quite fond of butterflies so he enjoyed it very much. When his butterfly flew away it landed on the lady who has been taking care of him during our meetings, he always has big hugs for her. We thought it was quite special.
Happy Fathers Day to the Father of my children, Jonathan... who always puts us first on his list and who works very hard so that we can have nice things and eat good food. I would have a very difficult time being a mom if it wasn't for you. You make my days more enjoyable... you make my "job" as mother much easier and I love and appreciate you very much.

1 comment:

BSLytwyn said...


That is so neat. I am very happy for sweet David that he got to release Butterflies- I remember doing this as a child about David and Cameron's age and enjoying it a lot. I must have really enjoyed it because I actually think it was one of my first memories as a child (lol). I hope for David that he will hold on to this memory as well. The picture of David with Jon is perfect, it looks like it was a very happy day.

I hope you will have a free day sometime soon that we can pop by and take a trip to the park, Cameron keep's asking: "are we going to Davids today?" when-ever I tell him that we need to get dressed really fast and get ready to go out lol. It's really sweet. Thanks for sharing these photo's, beautiful pictures. <3.