Monday, January 28, 2008

35 Weeks

35 weeks (or 36 weeks) is here... depending on which due date you follow... and February is almost here (for that I am very glad). Saturday I had false labour all day. It felt exactly like the beginning of my labour with David so I just had to wait and see if it would progress or not and it didn't. All the pre-labour symptoms are helping prepare my body for labour so I don't really mind it... it's more uncomfortable then painful. It just leave me wondering if today is t he day, or tomorrow, or the next day. etc...
At 35 weeks the average baby weighs 5 1/2 lbs. I have my next appointment on Wednesday... and every Wednesday after that until Noah is born. He is still moving lots and I think he has turned so that his back is against my tummy so hopefully he stays that way until birth. David was turned the other way which is mainly why I ended up with a c-section last time. (I will add a picture later today of myself if we take one).

Little bit of an update on David. He has been slightly fevered since Saturday. We don't know if his molars are coming in or if he has a bit of a virus. He hasn't been himself and he hardly slept Saturday night. Last night he slept better (though he stayed in bed with mommy) and this morning he has been playing more then he did all of yesterday. So I think he is on the mend and hopefully it doesn't take long.

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