Friday, January 25, 2008

Jonathan and David...

Karen brought out Jonathan's baby calendar again and we had a look to see what similarities and differences they had at 18 months. They weighed virtually the same Jonathan 24 lbs and David just under 25lbs. Height is quite different. Jonathan was 31 inches tall at 18 months and David is 34 1/2... she he just might have the "Pitts" height after all. They were saying about the same amount of words though Jonathan said "Hi" and "No" where David waves "Bye-Bye" and says "Yes" and "Please." Both reached more independent stages having "minds of their own." It's kind of neat to be able to look back and compare.

Right now we feel like David is changing everyday. He has been sleeping through the night most nights with out waking for a bottle. He now uses a booster seat and joins us at the table instead of using his high chair (he was kicking his tray off so we had to make the switch). He has been trying very hard to jump though it's more of a knee bend as his feet don't quite get off the ground. And he is very independent! He attempts putting on socks and shoes and helps get himself undressed.

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