Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun in the Snow

Yesterday we were finally able to get out in the snow and play. I took David and Angeline down the hill (our street) in the morning... and back up so I got my work out in. We also attempted a Snow Man but the snow was so powdery that we didn't have much success. After rolling the bottom of our snow man back and forth for what seemed like hours I gave up. We have 2 balls stacked in the front yard so we might have a chance to make a head later. It is actually snowing as I type so we might get out to play again tomorrow but it is a bit hard with Samara.
I was surprised how long the kids lasted in the snow. In the end I had to promise David some hot chocolate just to get him in. Besides our attempt at a snow man they also made snow angels and rode their run bikes in the drive way. I had so much fun playing in the snow when I was young... it is wonderful to enjoy a snow day now with my children.
Let it snow!
PS- Thanks Great Grandma Evelyne for the Lion Scarf!

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