Monday, February 4, 2008

36 Weeks... Braxton Hicks

Yes, I am still pregnant! At our Doctor's apointment on Wednesday we found out that I am 2-3 cm dialated so all that false labouring hasn't been in vain. I was 3 cm dialated before my labour began with David too... it doesn't really give an indication that we will be going into labour soon but we are anticipating a February baby forsure. The more "painless" dialating I can do before labour begins the better.

Late last night I started having more cramping and back ach which I initialy assumed was more "false" or "pre-labour." It did intensify and was more painful then last Saturday (though still very easy to manage). Then I started having contractions which felt like the real thing and they were between 3-7 minutes apart. At this point I was very certain I must be in labour. But by 3am I was able to fall asleep and when I woke up the contractions had stoped. I am still feeling some back ach and more pressure then before which could mean that Noah's head has moved down. So the contractions I was having turned out to be "braxton hicks" though I honestly couldn't tell the difference.

We are really hoping not to go into labour this Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday as my friend Christina (who is a labour/delivery nurse at Women's Hospital) is planing to be with us for my labour and is away during these next 4 days. Regardless Noah will come when he is ready but lets just say I won't be going for any long walks, drinking rasberry leaf tea, taking castor oil, doing jumping jacks or anthing like that... I am even thinking about making Jonathan sleep on the couch until Saturday (*smile*). I am so glad that February is here! And we are very much excited for Noah's arrival. With every possible labour symptom I have I am anticipating the real thing.

I want to thank everyone again for your continued support and prayers. Special thanks to those who are continuing to pray for a miracle. We don't know what God has planned for Noah but we do know that anything is possible. We are prepared to say good-bye to our little boy (as prepared as any parent can possibly be to say good-bye to their beloved child) but until that moment arrives we will never give up hope. In the mean time we anticipate meeting him, holding him, hugging him and kissing him for how ever long God gives us.


Anonymous said...

We are all looking forward to meeting Little Noah. Love you all.

mom Hanson

Patyrish said...

I am praying that God gives you lots of time with sweet Noah. Can't wait to see pictures of his handsome little face.

theBreedvelds said...

Melissa, your words, your honesty is always so touching and you have a way of reminding me of what's important in life. You are so strong and your faith is inspiring. Thank you. We are praying.

Sabrina said...

I know we haven't talked lately, but you are always in my thoughts and prayers :) I am so proud of you guys, you are amazing and I truly believe that God can work a miracle in your lives. Love you guys.

Jenn Stevenson said...

I am so excited for you - finally getting to meet Noah! Good luck in everything sweetie, be strong! I'm thinking of you!

Love Jenn