Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy 1 week Birthday Noah!

Noah is one week old today. I am finding that hard to believe. The time has gone by really fast, we are definately enjoying having him at home. Everyday he is eatting a little bit more, opening his eyes more and having more awake time. He even sucks his thumb once an a while. It is a joy having our newborn boy to hold. These pictures were taken by Jane aswell. If you havn't checked out the slideshow she made visit Sunday's post and do so... it is amazing.
Happy One Week Birthday Son. We love you so much!


Mary Anne said...

I am so glad that Noah is doing well,The Salvation Army{my church}is praying for him,so take care.
lots of love to you all.
Uncle Wade and Auntie Mary Anne

Nicole Elisabeth said...

the photo with your wedding rings on his feet is absolutely precious! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!

Patyrish said...

I love the pictures, he is amazingly precious. The one of his sweet baby feet is SO TOUCHING.

Check today's blog entry on my site. There is a video there of my daughter watching Noah's video...let's just say she loves your baby boy. :-)