Saturday, August 2, 2008

Introducing Asher...

Welcome Asher! Finally got a picture of Asher this morning. He was born July 27th at 7:23pm while we were all at Lauren and Brent's wedding reception. He weighed in at 7lbs 3 ounces and measured 18 1/4 inches tall. Congratulations Andrew and Rachel on the birth of your son. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


M-Squared Family said...

Hi Melissa,

I'm a friend of Rachel's (I also went to elementary and high school with Jonathan) and I check your blog pretty I guess this is me "de-lurking". I just wanted to say thanks for posting about Rachel's baby - I had heard the basic news, but it was nice getting the details :D

I also wanted to say I enjoy your regular family updates. David is such a cutie!! Thanks for posting and for being so honest in your postings too; it's very inspiring.

theBreedvelds said...

Wow! That's a good size for 4 weeks early!! What an adorable little boy!