Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pictures of Sweet Pea

As for an ultrasound update baby is looking "happy and healthy"... those were the exact words of the doctor who spoke to us yesterday afternoon. Sweet Pea's heart looks great and they could see all four chambers. There was one concern as they found a "marker" on Sweet Pea's brain called "choroid plexus cyst" which is just a collection of fluid in the part of the brain which makes the fluid that cushions the brain and spinal cord. The "cyst" is a small build-up of fluid as it moves through the connecting tubes. As the baby grows so the tubes get bigger, and the fluid moves on. CPCs are almost always gone by 24 weeks and do no harm to the baby's brain (found this information from a google search). The concern was that CPCs are sometimes an indicator of a chromosome abnormality (less then 1% of the time). My reason for not updating yesterday was that I needed to see my doctor to find out the results from the other tests which combined with the finding of a "marker" make up a calculated "RISK." I got in to see my doctor this afternoon and he is not concerned at all. When a baby has a chromosome abnormality there is usually several signs and Sweet Pea is perfectly formed except for this little build up of fluid. We will be having another ultrasound around 28 weeks to make sure growth is normal and everything else continues to look good... mostly it will be another reassurance for us that everything is fine.
We specifically asked not to be told Sweet Pea's gender though we did keep our eyes open during the scan. Sweet Pea was hiding her parts well so her gender remains a mystery. Her heart rate today was 144bpm... which continues to be consistent with David and Noah. It was nice to get to watch her moving around... and I look forward to seeing her again in the new year.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, JP & Melissa for sharing.
Our prayers are with you. Love and appreciate you lots.

Lauren Laidler said...

thanks for the update. the pictures look amazing. so happy for you both. we'll continue to keep her in our prayers as well as you guys. xoxox

Sabrina said...

So exciting Melissa!! Can't wait to meet Sweat Pea one day.