Monday, October 8, 2012

2 months old

October 2nd marked Rebekah's 2 month birthday and Jonathan's first day back to work. Having him home for 8+ weeks made a world of difference in all of our adjustments to life as a family of 6. I can't look back and wish we would have taken parental leave sooner but I can certainly say we would do it again if the opportunity presented itself ;)
I can't count how many people commented to me during her first 2 months "you don't look exhausted!?" That's because I wasn't. Now that Jonathan is back to work that is a different story. 
We are both tired. One night this week Jonathan fell asleep reading stories to David and Angeline, while I fell asleep cuddling with Samara. The other challenge is getting to and from different activities and also finding time to homeshcool. Instead of working downstairs we have been doing school at the kitchen table which allows me a few more options for where to put Rebekah and also lets me get some housework done when David is working independantly. I am sure we will soon adjust and develop the current craziness into a regular routine. 
As for an update on Rebekah herself she now weighs 11 lbs (on her 9 week birthday), 22 inches long. She smiles, coo's and even squeals with excitement. Nana says she got a giggle out of her too the other day. She does spit up a bit more then my other babies but she is probably the best sleeper so far. She stole all our hearts on day one and we are continue to enjoy our newest addition.

1 comment:

LeAnna said...

I was exhausted just juggling Walter & moving, so I can only imagine how tired you guys must be with all the things you have going on! Good luck and I hope things even out soon :)