Monday, October 8, 2012

22 months

Samara is now 22 months and to me she is still my "baby", along with her little sister. She likes to play with her older brother and sister but also plays well independently. She loves being a big sister to Rebekah and can even sometimes be seen sharing "her" blanket.
She is going on 2 and has been for a while now.
Her list of words is slowly expanding but I would consider to be "behind" her peers in her vocalizing. She "talks" non-stop but it is all with the sound "ein" in varying tones. 
Because she can say words using many different sounds and her comprehension is good I am not concerned that it is related to her hearing. It seems that she just needs to connect words and their meaning to conversation. (She will say "mouth, teeth, ears, eyes, nose" and point to where they all are).  It is nothing to worry about at the moment but just something we are keeping an eye on.
At the moment we are struggling with her at nap and bed time but that is a mix between typical difficult two year old, too much change, and lack of routine. 
Samara likes to make us laugh and she "entertains" us with dancing and singing. She loves her Mama and Dada very much and if she is with one of us she will as for the other. She LOVES bath time and wishes this could take place 3 times daily. We love watching her continue to grow into a little girl and are anxious to hear what she has to say. I think once she starts talking she isn't going to stop.

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