Thursday, September 18, 2008

Seeing Sweet Pea

This morning we had a "nuchal translucency" test by ultrasound to determine if Sweet Pea is likely to have trisomy 13. The nuchal translucency measurements were normal, reflecting that of a healthy baby. Along with the ultrasound they did a blood test on me "integrated prenatal serum screen" and I will have to have a second sample taken on October 8th. We should have those results back October 20th and our 19 week ultrasound is booked for November 3rd.
At this point the only thing causing us any concern is the statistic of our chances to conceive another trisomy 13 baby being 1 in 100. After seeing Sweet Pea swimming around this morning and having the results back that everything looks good we are feeling confident. We will certainly be worrying less then if we hadn't had the test or if the test had given us cause for concern. We know that many of you will be rejoicing with us as you hear this good news. Please continue to pray for a healthy baby and pregnancy.
Another bit of information... Sweet Pea's heart rate is 146 bpm which is the exact same as both David and Noah. While heart rate does not accurately predict gender we couldn't help but feel that we might have another little boy on our hands. Also our Vancouver Sun article was posted on a door at the hospital so it was kind of funny to run into our picture.


Sabrina said...

Yeah! So happy things are going well so far...sweat pea is in our prayers always!

BSLytwyn said...

AMAZING Meliss & Jonathan totally amazing. I am so happy and excited for you two- that is great news. Yes if the heartbeat wise tale is true it does sound like you will have another lil boy on your hands and thats wonderful. You are always in my prayers guys, love you. We are in our 37th week now, with only 20 days till our due date now. I am starting to get a lil' nervous for the labour pain but she will be worth all of CONGRATS on everything!. XOXOXO.

The Schunters said...

I am so glad to hear that things are looking good. We will keep praying. Heidi

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
Was real good seeing you today.
David is so sweet and warms our heart when he doesn't want us to leave. We will continue to pray that your will have a good pregnancy as well as a healthy Sweet Pea and we do believe and do trust God who is in control.

Nicole Elisabeth said...

keeping you in my prayers for a happy and healthy baby!